Answer the below questions to create your plan for IBD nutritional recovery and wellness.
1. What are you working with? Assess your situation.
2. Where do you want to go? Identify the main objective(s).
3. How are you going to do what you’re going to do? Determine the overall approach and method.
4. What are you going to do? Identify a general set of action steps.
5. How will you know what to do? Think about how you’ll interpret/communicate feedback, evaluation, and any potential crucial conversations.
6. Does this work for you? Assess “fit”, individualization, resonance, and salience.
7. How will you know if your plan is “working”? Identify and develop progress indicators and a schedule for recording them.
8. What are you going to do first? Prioritize and establish a schedule of action steps.
9. What happens if things go wrong? Anticipate obstacles and develop some backup ideas.
Try this:
Use the above answers to help you anticipate, plan, and strategize to improve your nutrition and health with IBD.