Getting Closer – August 13, 2012
Got back to training today at the noon group class at Ambition Athletics. I felt ready and excited to train today.
Today’s workout was one that you’d classify as solid – it was an efficient and challenging – and it got me closer to my goal.
Last week I started swinging the 28kg kettlebell to help nail down my snatch technique. I continued with this method in today’s finisher move.
The class was going to do swings for 20 seconds then planks for 20 seconds with a short rest before repeating this again.
Instead of the swings I opted for the 28kg snatches with the planks. We did 4 rounds so my breakdown looked like this
- 7 snatches
- 20 second plank (short rest 10-15 seconds)
- 7 snatches
- 20 second plank (short rest 10-15 seconds)
- 8 snatches
- 20 second plank (short rest 10-15 seconds)
- 8 snatches
- 20 second plank
After the finisher I felt like I still needed more practice. After a few minutes rest I proceeded to get 40 more snatches, again with the 28 kg bell.
This breakdown looked like this:
- 10/10 – 30 second rest
- 10/10
Using the heavier bell and improving my breathing has really helped me to incorporate my entire body into the snatch. Before I would be forced to muscle the bell up to the top because I was leaving a lot of strength on the table by not using my legs. Also, by switching my breathing pattern to exhale on the down swing and then inhaling as the bell rises I’ve been able to feel much more connected and stronger throughout the move. It’s awesome when the bell feels like it just floats up to the top. Now I’m just practicing on keeping that solid techinque in place for 100 total reps in 5 minutes…shouldn’t be that complicated
~With Strength and Nutrition
Joseph Morstad